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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Drawing upon on humor for a change

What according to you is the central idea of the speech?

To me the central idea of the speech is the position / point of view of women in society and (his role) through humor and drawing.
This is easier, then we can not address any "complex". Stereotypes do not emerge as more significant. The humor makes it possible to "break down barriers." It changes attitudes.

. Do you Agree with it ?

I agree with Donnelly. I think that from our earliest age, we require that to be parents, teachers or other characteristics (attitudes, tastes ...) to our own sex. This requires first of all by the choice of toys that we buy; Cooker and dolls for girls and cars and guns for boys.
Through drawing, we understand all this. Then adds humor that allows stereotypes of not being apprehended. Men and women laugh when together, even if in their hearts they recognize.
We can then conclude that humor influences, brings change!
As Donnelly puts it Woman + Humor = Change! Personally I vote for! ^ ^

. Would you agree with Donnelly when see says tant the sense of humor changex according to one's culture?

Again, I agree with Donnelly. Humor changes depending on the culture.
Indeed, every culture has its own rules, its own history. Which leads to a different vision of the world and the things that is.
I think that most of the time we laugh stereotypes, things happened and now acquired.
But each country has its stereotypes and we do not evolve like in different cultures. Taboos are different. Therefore, we must adapt his sense of humor to people, culture ...

And when the truth does not dare to go naked, dress who dresses the best is the humor.
citation of Doris Lussier

Sorry for highlighting in white, I can not remove it

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Belief during school-days

Love is I think one of the most important. It is that unites us, brings us closer to each more.This is being attached to someone, never be alone.
Love is combined, varies ... This may be true love (the thunderbolt), friendship, family ... In any case love is the human experience.

Child, love is "simple". It is believed the prince charming. We live in a fairy tale.
Fun to seek someone with whom you will marry. I remember playing with the petals (he loves me a little, a lot ...), or one with the first names (you had to have the most letters in common have the highest score).

Children believe in so much!
Small, it could make me believe that any rumor or superstition. I was naive, admittedly.
The worst for me was the story by the Crocmiten (I really do not know the spelling, sorry), the monster of the sewers. My parents and I say thank you to my cousins ​​for the nights of nightmares. But today, I take great pleasure in telling this story to the smallest! Take turns. ^ ^
However, today I perceive that all these beliefs was hiding from the outside world. I had my own world, of course it was magical!
And nothing was ugly, nasty ... No war, dispute ...
I lived on a cloud
Nevertheless, the day we return from this cloud ... Beware the fall!
Growing up, we quickly perceives that the world is so beautiful! And it contains a lot of injustice and broken dreams often! Is in the world, there is no room for beliefs. Life is hard. And love complex.
Yet believe, can not escape the daily often simple.

However, I'm persuaded it's that everybody need to believe on something or someone to forge ahead in the life.
And I'll end by saying, who does not dream of a kid again!?

Personally, I sign! ;-D

Friday, March 4, 2011

My stay in London (informal letter)

hello my darling!
I was eager to write to you. Here I am finally back home in France. I am changing my 2 weeks with you! It is quieter, especially without the terrible. ^ ^
It was a really amazing trip!
I miss you already. It's horrible!
I want to thank you from my heart for your home. Thanks to you I now know London like the back of fingers ... Well almost! ^ ^
Me who does not usually visit, I just broke your mood and your delusions. In fact, I just got a tattoo the plan to steal the jewels of the queen (like prison break)! lol
Fortunately, that ridicule does not kill! Hahahhahhaaa!!
Moreover, I think I will Grenoble party seem rather bland after your party!
I still be stiff force to dance and I think abandoning the heels for a while! ^ ^
You are also a sacred team are great friends. You'll be doing them one by Kiss my (mostly Jon !^^).
Short! Everything was perfect!!
It is now up to me to offer you to discover my little world, my city, my country.
I'm willing to welcome you 2-3 weeks in June I no longer run and I will not even started the job.
We can start by visiting Grenoble I'll take you to the Bastille finally (my favorite place), and I'll introduce my friends. They'll love it. Jack you have already your fans! ;-D
Then we can take a ride on the coast. I have a small apartment in Borme sided Lavandou.
That you will change you change the gray skies of London.
Finally everything is set. We'll talk when the time comes.
Well, I think I said everything. So I must leave you! Sniff, sniff !!!^^
I hope my letter will arrive soon in vouos because I look forward to your reply.
Lots of big kisses!
I love you. <3
Very soon.


PS; I send photos by mail very soon, promise! They are huge !!!!!